Hello everyone, meet Nathan.
Nathan is 36 years old and our main protagonist of the story, he looks like quite a regular fellow right?
You're very right, he is a normal guy who's happy with his job and loves his wife and children very much. For the most part, our hero is quite content with his life.
But Nathan also carries a great burden with him, a burden most people luckily never have to carry. Nathan is afraid of the dark.
And not in the "haha that's funny" kind of way either, this fear is rooted deep inside his core and because of it he can't function completely. He tried though, he tried very hard all of his life.
But recently something happened, something terrible and because of his fear he couldn't do anything about it. This incident was the turning point for our protagonist, and he decided he couldn't live like this anymore. So he took the brave step to overcome this big fear, with the help of a psychologist.
This is Nathan when he was younger, isn't he adorable..awwh. Little Nathan has -like most children- a wild imagination and is quite adventurous when he wants to be, but he can also be a bit shy sometimes.
Well, you've officially met Nathan and now that you know a bit about him we can finish this post.
Happy Trails!
- Hanny
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