Saturday, November 20, 2010

Developer Diary 5

Are there no moral boundaries to some people? Is it necessary to go out of your way to make someone's life more difficult than it already is? Rituals are sacred and should never be messed with. It's hard for me to find the words to describe this terrible injustice that has been done to us...  so I'll give it a try later on in this article.

With rage still flowing through my veins I'll try and give you a short explanation of what we have produced as a group. The first things that come to mind are the awesome voice-overs that have been recorded this week. Honestly, when faced with a problem, call Daryll. With an expertise for solving problems second only to MacGyver, Daryll quickly had the audio-studio running. Young Nathan never sounded more alive with Hanny giving him a nice British accent. Smashing.

Our Animator has also been hard at work, as concetrated as Daryll in his special zone, slowly working towards creating a full animation for our main character. Mad props to René for working extremely hard and focussed, the only distraction being a short Harry Potter discussion(He's in Gryffindor). This week Lars was mostly confined to his house, having gone through an epic operation that would leave even Steve-O disgusted. He did however manage to visit school on Friday to deliver a much needed Pie, which we are extremely grateful for. It's also further proof to my theory that Pieday transcends any physical boundaries.

Myself I've been cramming the intro story into a 1:30 minute long monologue, which was anything but an easy task. Thankfully I was helped by amazing feedback from many of the Quark members. Daryll continued improving the core gameplay, now adding a way our character can walk through the environments without him going anywhere we don't want to(a sewer drainage comes to mind). Hanny and Nils have also been making great progress with the characters and environments respectively. Being a programmer myself I know fuck-all of any graphical terms to use, suffice it to say that what has been made can be considered awesome.

The second half of our Friday was spent most curiously creating a threatening letter to an other group within our minor. For repeatedly messing up our well-respected Fail-o-Meter we have declared war on Classified. In secret we have captured a fugitive bunny we suspect to be of great value to their group. He is now being held in a secure location and is to be tortured and interrogated. Unfortunately we have yet to retract any useful information from him but I have no doubt that will happen in the near future. To let Classified know their bunny is being held captive we have posted the threatening letter with an awe-inspiring photo of ourselves the terrorists as can be seen above. All we have to do now is wait for a response from Classified. From there on we'll see how the war will progress. After all you never know how a cow catches a rabbit.

-      Robert

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