Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm making a post here, huge succes!

The title of this post says it all! The sheer awesomeness of our project and team effort, were appriciated today by our assessors. Yes, we had a mid term assessment, and we did real good! Even our, by sickness, absent member Hanny got her points! Our assessors seemed awfully impressed by our excellent concept, based on rock solid research. For that, we all received at least 6 EC's (Europian Credits) on expert level for our concept. I think it would be right to say that we are going to face a few months of hard work, really hard work. I am, however, convinced that if we go on like we have these past 2ish months, we have very little to worry about!

I would like to thank and compliment all my fellow Quarky's, and wish them a lot of fun and toi toi toi for the rest of this project!

Also I would like to thank and compliment two people in particular. Hanny and Daryll, the both of you are a blessing to our project! You were relative newcomers in Quark, but you have proven time after time, that you are immensely enthousiastic about our project, even though you were not involved in the early concepting. This does not seem to have mattered much to you, because you have contributed so much to our game! You have proven time and time again that you were obviously destined to join the ranks of Quark, and that you truly fit in. If I had a hat on right now, I would take it off for you. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am very happy to have the both of you! 

Thank you!

Yes, it IS hard to overstate my satisfaction!


-Lars out.

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