Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to School!

I write this message with sore feet, tired legs and a satisfied head. My head is satisfied because I just did something useful, and I wasn't alone!

Today we went over to the Montessori College to question and observe as many people as we could, and learn their secrets! For in their heads is knowledge we require to make the ultimate Psychology game. Seeing as how we want our game to be interesting to these people, we'd better go and ask their opinions, right?!
So we did, and it was succesful, although we'd like to do it again soon, preferably someplace else.

Rene led us all to this school by using navigation on his mobile phone. Walking through streets and places completely unknown to us, including Gealand! (Don't try to get this, it's an inside joke!)

Finally after what seemed like a long while, or maybe it was, we arrived at the school. We didn't have a whole lot of time to talk and observe, but nonetheless got some very nice results. Which is why my head is so content.

The trip back was possibly even more eventfull, owing to the fact that Daryll let his insatiable hunger get the better of him again, and almost dragged us all toward a snackbar that was way off route. Causing us to take a detour. Which is why my feet and legs are not so content.

Anyway, I'm fairly pleased by the results. All that rests us now is to write down these results and form some conclusions so we can get some progress in our target group analysis. This is good, because it brings us another step closer to the production phase, YES!


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