Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quark introduction

Well, I could start off with a lengthy explanation of what the bleep Quark is, what we do and why we decided to start this blog. But I won't. The post would be too long.

I however could just tell you that we are a bunch of very motivated Dutch Game Design students, working on a point-and-click game called Time Therapy (working title) but that doesn't do us nearly enough justice.

So just let me do the introduction of our members, and I'll let someone else explain the rest.

Quark consists of seven members, and each of these members will be able to write stuff on this blog. This will be our special online space to share our experiences.

Allright then, on with the introductions.

Nils: The Project Manager 

This lovely loudmouth makes sure everyone of us is still working hard on the right stuff. Which is good because we need to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time. Nils is also very opinionated, which can be both hilariously refreshing and frustrating at the same time.

Lars: The Hero

Lars is great at contacting extern officials and at making everybody feel they are quite evil in comparison with him. Lars's inner compass is very strong and he will never be quiet when he sees injustice. He is also very good in imitating voices from cartoon series and games and Lars is an artist in disguise. A trait he will further explore this project

Daryll: The Programmer

Daryll is driven and works very hard to become a good programmer. He also has a very enthousiastic personality and is involved in everything that is going on in the project. Whenever you hear a gasp of delight you're sure its Daryll peeking over your shoulder.
He also does the same thing with food, which can be quite unnerving. We sometimes wonder if Daryll even gets fed at home.

Peter: The Freelancer

Peter used to be at school with us, but he had to leave due to circumstances. Luckily Peter decided he could still be a freelancer for this project, mainly working with us through the wonders that is cyberspace.
Peter has a very creative mind and is not afraid to use it. More than once his insights have brought us to new ideas. The downside of that creativity is that Peter is more easily distracted than a squirrel on XTC, but we love him nonetheless.

Rene: The Planner

Rene has a clear overview of Things That Should be Planned, he is our planner. Thanks to Rene we know what to do and how long that should take. Which helps us to work smoothly together.
Rene has a gentle and sometimes quiet demeanor, which he forgets completely when he's arguing with Nils about management things.
Rene also bakes great pies for Friday Pieday, which is a force one should reckon with.

Robert: The Achiever of achievements.

Robert is actually a freelancer in disguise, but since he's with us  at school every single day most of us tend to forget that fact. Robert knows a lot about a lot of stuff and he's had a big part in the concepting stage. Well we've all had a great deal to say in that, but Robert sure brought in a lot of good ideas.

Robert is a writer at heart, which you can clearly see in the way he writes (duh) but also in the way he thinks. Since storytelling is very important in this project he is also very important to us. Robert's biggest weakness is his love for unlocking achievements, once you get him started on that subject he simply can't stop.

Hanny: The Lead Artist

Oh hey look at that, that's me. I'm not just the only girl in the group but also the lead artist. Which makes me Very Cool *wink wink* I'm a person with a wicked creative mind and an even more wicked sense of humour.
Since we are making a 2D point-and-click adventure I get to draw my heart out, and that makes me really motivated. My biggest weakness is probably my chaotic mind, which is why I'm really glad we have such a strict planning agreement.

Pictures will follow, everyone just has to upload theirs to this text.
And we will, won't we guys?
EDIT - Robert: Scratch that, avatars it is.

Well this post still got very long, but I do hope you still enjoyed reading it.

- Hanny